Ongoing Anti-Racism Work

-Jennifer Drury

I love this example of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) in action. Due partly to the history of redlining (where people of color were not allowed to live in certain areas) in Seattle, some neighborhoods have not been able to accumulate the same wealth that home ownership in “desirable” neighborhoods fostered. We see this evident in the schools. PTAs in some schools raise 100s of 1000s of dollars – yes, some close to a half million dollars in a year. They use this money not only to pay for supplies and enrichment but also to pay for extra staff members. Other PTAs only raise a few thousand dollars. To combat this disparity, some better endowed PTAs have started donating some of their funds to other schools. But this has been controversial and huge gaps remain.  The initiative described in the Seattle Times article shows another way to bridge this gap that is completely transparent and inclusive from the start. Looking at their donation page, they have translations in many languages. Most importantly, this seems like a joint effort where everyone is working together toward the same goals. It feels less like charity, and more like community-building teamwork.  It would be interesting to talk with folks that are involved and see if that is how it is playing out.  This certainly won’t solve the problem of huge economic disparities but building community will get us closer to creating empathy across zip codes which could ultimately lead to better public policy.

Seattle PTAs pioneer new, more equitable ways of fundraisingPTAs in Southeast Seattle have come up with a new formula to spread fundraising wealth based on a school’s level of

May 29 Sunday Worship Memorial Day Weekend

Greetings All,

On, Sunday, May 29, Good Shepherd will return to ONLINE Worship only for one Sunday. This will be an opportunity to give Dale Sutton and Daniel Gituma the weekend off from their tech duties, and Irene Gituma from her Childcare duties.

After being one of the tech/sound volunteers at the former Faith Fellowship for almost 20 years with very few Sundays off, as well as the Office Administrator, I feel it is important that we give them the chance to take a day off from their responsibilities and take advantage of the long weekend if they wish.

If you are in town and do not have plans away for the long weekend. Join us on Zoom for worship. Who knows, I just might switch things up a bit. You never know.

In Christ,
Pastor Denise


31When he had gone out, Jesus said, “Now the Son of Man has been glorified, and God has been glorified in him. 32If God has been glorified in him, God will also glorify him in himself and will glorify him at once. 33Little children, I am with you only a little longer. You will look for me; and as I said to the Jews so now I say to you, ‘Where I am going, you cannot come.’ 34I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. 35By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”(John 13:31-35, NRSV)

Photo Credit – ChurchArt

Our Ongoing Ani-Racism Work

Jennifer Drury, May 12

The silver lining to having a terrible cold last week was finding time to read this book that Pastor Chris recommended.  Chris Hoke’s daily routine could not contrast more from my own in terms of his sleep habits and energy levels. More like his father, in my world, rarely does anything good happen after 10pm. But I was immediately drawn into his story as he described his listless, wandering spirit searching for a deeper, more visceral faith.  His is a story of risk and adventure not just for the sake of rebellion, but in search of purpose and a closer relationship with God.  He discovers and shares the most sublime truths of Christian scripture in relationship with people on the margins. People that our social and political structures seem to try to dispose of or at the least ignore.  The subject matter and the quality of his writing make this truly worth the time. I read it in thirty-six hours because I found his application of the Bible so compelling and inspiring but many of the chapters could be read as short stories. We could pick a chapter for discussion in an upcoming Sunday school session. I hope you read it and let me know what you think.


Interweaving his own story with moving vignettes and gritty experiences in hidden places, a jail chaplain and minister to Mexican gang an…