Please check back for an updated list of contacts.
Title | Contact |
Pastor | Pastor Denise Aanenson |
Associate Pastor | Rev. Stephen Guantai |
Associate Pastor | Rev. Jorge Saquic |
Church President | Pamela Scalise |
Treasurer | Bobbie Ashby |
Vice President | Brenda Hokkanen |
Secretary | Gladys Fongong |
Deacon of Worship | Sandy Smith |
Deacons of Operations | Roger and Ginny Larson |
Deacon of Fellowship | Carol Lavelle |
Deacon of Children’s Education | Mike Carey |
Deacon of Missions | Brett Bloomberg |
Website |
Brianna Hartmann and Dale Sutton |
To contact anyone in the list above who does not have an email linked, please contact the church office at 425.774.1010