Here we are already in the second month of 2023. January seemed to fly on by at the speed of light. The beginning of February is a bit sentimental for me. Today is the 106th anniversary of my grandmothers birth. She passed in 2005 at the age of 88. Grandma was a woman who if she has been living in this era, would have been the first female president of the United States. She was ahead of her time and had one of the best political minds around. It was her tenacity and wit that helped her thrive in a work culture that was caustic towards women. She paid it no mind as she was working for the greater good at the local community level. My Grandma had charm and was a bit of a flirt. In the years since her death, mom and I have found some of her calendar books from the time after her second husband had passed. Her calendar was full of dates for social events and dances! I think she had to schedule evenings when she would stay home to rest. 😂 The world, my world was much brighter because she was in it and I miss her so. Since I started at GSBC on October 1, 2021 as your Interim Pastor, one of my goals is to keep reminding each of you just how beloved you are by your Creator. That’s one of the reasons I tell you each week as we leave worship that you are God’s beloved child, because you are! Never forget this! Always remember! Grace, Peace, and Love, -P. Denise |